29 weeks

29 weeks, only 11 more to go! I'm actually much more excited to be finished with this stupid ass grad class I'm taking. It is the worst!!! I hate it so bad! Other than that everything is going great. The midwife said baby was measuring big. But at least he seems healthy. He is kicking some and has had the hiccups a few times, other than that not much is new.

Sophia is amazing! She's learning a ton of new words everyday! In the last few  weeks she's picked up grandma, grandpa, apple, tutu, book, poop, cat, boat, bike, yeah, and many more.

In Molokai news we're getting a new boss, which sucks and make me very nervous. And it finally stopped raining but a bunch of our stuff is now covered in that nasty black mold. I'm not sure how to deal with that...

This Friday is Valentine's Day, so I wanted to do something special, but it doesn't look like that's gonna happen, so maybe next year... Or I'll just focus on Easter...