Some more sweat equity

Well, things have actually finally started to get a little bit better. We're still a long way from normal, and still very unsure about what our new normal will be, but at least things are starting to look a little more hopeful.

Somewhere in the last 32 years, I've somehow morphed into this Type A person, so not having any control over our situation kills me. I can't not be an active participant in shaping my future...yet here we are...

If you had asked me last month I would have described our remodel as fun, inspiring, rewarding, something along those lines.

Today, I'd describe it more as "necessary". Fortunately for me "necessary" relates to a box on a list that I can check off. One thing that's totally in my court. And so, I'm finally working on our bedroom. 

I'll do a full before and after post later. But for now, here are some progress pics. 

Holy moly!!!! Look at that contrast!!!

Also, these jeans... are the tips supposed to be at my knees and I'm just way too short??? Or are they for some reason supposed to be ripped on my calf??? I can't decide.