Sophia's Birthday Eve


Flash Back Friday to FIVE YEARS ago at this time we were on our way to the hospital to have Sophia. But wait... her birthday's not until tomorrow, you say. That's right! After TWENTY NINE long hours of labor, Sophia made her grand entrance into the world, making me a mother on Mother's Day 2012. Words can not even begin to describe what it feels like to have a living breathing (walking, talking, dancing, singing, basketball playing, etc.) sassy little extension of your own flesh and blood. Or how how it feels to love someone with your whole existence no matter what, but that's exactly how it feels to be a mom...Every second of every day. And for that feeling I am so thankful to all my babies, especially the one who first made me a mommy five years ago. I love you so so much (and I love both of your brothers just as much) and I can't believe it's been that long and I can't begin to determine where the time has gone, and now I'm just rambling, so happy first Labor Day to me, Happy early Birthday to our smart, beautiful, little sassafras Sophia tomorrow, and happy early Mother's Day to every single mommy out there this Sunday! 💖💖💖