It’s been a hell of a week

Growing up I always loved spending as much time as I could at my Grandma and Grandpas house. My grandma and grandpa both came from big families, so their house was always full of people and food and parties and crafts, and decorations and holidays and celebrating. Lol. It probably has a lot to do with how I live my life today. I mean really, who else decorated for Presidents’ Day? I think somewhere deep down I always wanted to have a huge family of my own to hang out with. Back at my own house I didn’t that that many of my own siblings or cousins, but I did have a nice group of neighbor hood kids that were always over at our house or Hortons, and I know I was always having more fun in a large group than a small one. Being a parent takes a lot of love and a lot of patience and sometimes it’s really hard for me to focus on family time first, chores and responsibilities second...which maybe isn’t that bad of a quality, but a better balance would be good. My own parents set a great example of how to be hardworking contributing individuals and sometimes that aspect takes over and I tell Sophia that I won’t play with her because I HAVE to shampoo the carpet today, and then do dishes, and then laundry, and then vacuum, etc, etc until it’s bedtime.

That being said, I can’t believe it’s been almost 20 years since we lost my grandma to cancer. Today heaven gained another character as my cousin Ben lost his battle too. It’s been several years since I’ve been back to the mainland-let alone taken the time to visit most of my family. Make sure you live with no regrets, because tomorrow is never promised.