Around the (old) office

Took a much needed sanity break to go check my seeds and fix some stuff up in the old office. It was a beautiful day, an it reminded me of how much I really miss "the good ol days"
It was only 94f when I first opened the door...

Everything is a billion (at least 15) years old.

Only 4000 miles away. Represent!

It was a really beautiful day outside.

I miss this view!

With the fans on and door open the temp went down to 88, and I was freezing!

And then I rushed home so Daniel could go to work, we hung out with friends that will all be abandoning us soon, and then came home. I'm sooo tired and pregnant, I could barely keep my eyes open, but I'm also horribly thirsty... All. Of. The. Time!!!!!! And this little(giant!!!!) effer was ON MY WATER CUP!!! Needless to say, I smashed him, but still, ewwweeeeeeeewwwwwewwewwww!!! 

I love and hate living here so much.