Easter 2014

BThis year I was torn between making a beautiful perfect traditional Easter for Sophia, and being 9 months pregnant and too tired to do anything at all. We made it through church, but that's about all I could handle.

Some of our friends had camped at Make Horse for the weekend, so we joined them for some sun, sand, hotdogs, an kid time. It was the perfect holiday :)

Someone got up ridiculously early, drug her new bunny into our bed, and demanded "eggs" "candy eggs"

The Easter bunny stopped and dropped off candy and presents, but like any good  LeRoy kid, Sophia had to wait until after church to get into anything:

We made it to church in time and managed to get a decent family photo before the sugar rush from all the Cadbury eggs kicked in:

I never should have gotten Cadbury eggs!

The Easter bunny got extra cool points got bringing "Dora" aka Sofia the first dolls:

And a notepad to draw on

Then soph fell asleep on the way TO the beach

And we had an awesome rest of the day, but all the pictures are on the camera, not my phone!