Ballistic Missile Threat Day


I feel like I would be remiss if I didn’t write a post so someday I can look back and remember this day.

This morning around 8am, Daniel had gone hunting, Ethan and Michael were up and monkeying around, and Sophia was still asleep because she didn’t feel good. I was wasting away my day on Instagram, and all of the sudden I got this:

Not cool! I started to freak out a little bit because our house is made of glass. I got the kids up, ushered them all into the middle of the house. Closed all the windows and all the doors, and stared to fill up our storm water jugs, all the while thinking-if this is some stupid hacker, I will be sooo $@$( (;&:). But also, no one cares enough about Hawaii to pull this kind of a stunt so it’s probably real. But also, it’s 8am on a Saturday, that’s a wierd time to bomb someone... 😂 And either way, Thank You Jesus that all my babies are here with me, if this has to happen, Thank God it’s on a weekend, and at least Daniel’s in a secluded place that would never be targeted. And Thank God we live on Molokai, not Oahu, I’m sure nothing will actually hit us, we’ll just be in the radius, and...I wonder how accurate ballistic missiles are, and I wonder if the middle interceptors actually work...

After running through all those thoughts and 100 more in about a 2 minute time frame, I turned on the TV but we cancelled our cable, so no channels had anything on. The emergency channel said emergency alert, but the audio was just the regular surf report. I was debating going to hunt down our radio and other emergency crap, but decided to call my mom instead, who said nothing was on her tv, and on the internet she was only seeing stuff from Twitter. Anyway...I got some other texts that it might be fake, decided to switch the laundry, wash the dishes and do whatever else I would want done before our power inevitably went out. I also texted Daniel. Then by this time, around 38 minutes after the first stupid alert, we got this:

 Apparently, somebody at the Civil Defense Office “pushed the wrong button” sigh. Mistakes happen and all’s well that ends well, but what a morning!

It’s also just crazy to think that we live in a time when we have to actually worry about being involved in a nuclear war. 👎