Scenes from our weekend

This weekend was chock full of projects. Projects on project on projects. Well, cooking and projects.

On Saturday we slept in and skipped 99% of makahiki. We ran errands in town then came home and made a picnic lunch. I cleaned the Lanai, and Daniel hung up some new bird feeders I bought.

Sunday, I got up with the kids at the crack of dawn while Daniel slept in all day. Marie dropped off some stuff and I made biscuits and gravy for lunch, then we worked on the yard. I tilled up a new garden spot and touch up painted a bunch of the Lanai and the chicken coop. I planted a rose bush and caged a couple of volunteer tomatoes and Daniel cut some trees and the kids ran amuck as usual. We made homemade pizzas for dinner and I snuck in one episode of Downton Abbey.