24 weeks baby update!

Yesterday was 24 weeks! Coombs baby number FOUR is now the size of an ear of corn! She’s kicking and flipping up a storm in there, so this one promises to be another VERY active child. Lol. 

Things are going well with baby, but I’m still super nauseaous and have zero energy despite being in the Golden second trimester. Oh well. Only 16 more weeks to go! It’s crazy how fast this trimester is flying by!

I weigh 168 pounds already! Which is crazy how much heavier I’m getting with this one, but I guess that’s how it goes the more kids you have and the older you get. 🤣

Well, it’s a seriously beautiful day in Hawaii, so I’m off to change into shorts and work in the garden.  Orrrrr...chase the other 3 around and binge watch Downton Abbey... Haha. Either way, I’m off to enjoy the remainder of this afternoon.

Have a great day everyone!