Raising Tiny Humans is So Damn Hard

In today’s installment of “raising tiny humans is so damn hard”, we explore the phenomenon where this last year, my day job has inexplicably traded places with my other job (Mommyhood) and now raising a family is actually more stressful than going to work. Hmmmmm....
Today at work was a good day, things went well, everyone was nice, and I got in a lot of good field time. 

Today at home was hard. I somehow forgot to pick up the boys (pregnancy brain + spring break schedules???) and ended up being 30 minutes late-whoops! Not too bad except for the ensuing mommy guilt...

Michael has been...honestly, I don’t even know what’s up with Michael. 1. He’s been copying a lot of Sophia’s bad habits lately. 2. He’s been having some trouble with one of the boys in his school, I think they’re actually friends, but that kid has said some kind of scary stuff to Michael that he’s obviously never been exposed to before, and he’s having trouble processing it, and has woken up crying and just been acting kind of different lately. Hopefully it’s just a stage. 

Sophia spent the day with my mom, but must have used up all her good behavior with her. Lol. Because she was a tiny tyrant the whole rest of the day after I got home.

Ethan fell off a keiki lawn chair and got a big scrape on his forehead and knee. Then he later went pee on his little potty for the first time ever!!!! Yay!!! But then he dipped a baby wipe in it and I kind of yelled “no!!!no no no!!!” When he reached in to get it. Sigh. And he cried bc I yelled, and I was afraid he’d be scared of the potty. BUT thankfully he wasn’t and he had a blast sitting on it for the rest of the night. Unfortunately, little baby daredevil also had a blast standing ON TOP of his potty and yelling “TaDa!” And then jumping off. 😳 

Sophia and Michael went to Awana’s where Michael had a potty accident, and didn’t have any clean clothes Becca use he had actually had another one earlier today. Gahhhhh!!!! And then Sophia told me that she farted in class, and everyone laughed and she just ignored it. Lol. I feel bad for her. But also thought that was hilarious! I told her it’s ok to laugh at your farts when everyone else is laughing and farting is a normal part of digestion. LOL!!! I’m not sure what to tell her, I don’t want her to be the gross kid, but I also don’t want her to be ashamed of her own body. 

And I think I may officially be 50 pounds over my normal weight now, so walking, standing, all movements are like running a damn marathon. Lol. 

So, all in all it’s been a long day, and I’m glad my mom is here to help!! 

Now it’s finally time to read books and go to bed because we have Easter Egg hunts in the morning and this preggo is exhausted!