32 Weeks Baby Update

32 weeks already! I can’t believe I only have 8 weeks left! Time seems to have somehow gotten away from me!

Baby is growing well, measuring right on track. Heartbeat is normal. I still think it’s so wierd that I don’t get any ultrasounds....

I’m feeling terrible. I’m so heavy that my feet hurt every night from the weight of me. I have sciatica and rls. I’m constantly dehydrated and exhausted. My heartburn/indigestion is out of control! I pretty much live on Tums. I’m always thirsty, but never want to drink bc it just makes my heartburn/ indigestion SO bad- even sitting/standing up during the day. 😭 And best of all my pelvis is literally pulling apart like it did with Michael, so sometimes it just pops out of place while I’m just walking, or even rolling over in bed.

So I’m closing- ready to be done being pregnant. 🤣

The good news is I’m retaining less water this week, so my cankles have finally reversed, however that’s probably just bc I’m dehydrated. 

Anyway, not much longer now, so it’s time for me to actually prepare for a baby!!!

Enjoy the mirror selfies because Daniels on Lanai this week. Which doesn’t really matter bc we all know he hates being my photographer anyway. 🤣

Oh, and I weigh somewhere over 180 pounds which is literally the most I’ve ever weighed in my entire life! And it’s terrifying!!! Here’s hoping I can stay under 200. 🤣😭

Currently craving: Ice Cold sugary drinks. And carbs.