Easter 2018

This Easter was undoubtedly MUCH better than last Easter, however (and this is probably the pregnancy hormones talking here) I still just was in a mood and had a feeling that last year’s events and my upcoming mainland trip were casting an even bigger shadow on today. 

We were all crazy tired, except Ethan, who got up at 6:10... I tried to entertain him and get ready before getting Michael and Sophia up for church, and it wasn’t easy. Lol. We read his farm animal friends book about 800 times. 😂

We got out the door and made it to church, only 15 minutes late. After that we got the mail, then the kids found all the eggs the Easter Bunnybhad hidden in our yard. 

Then we had French toast bake and bacon and the kids played with their new goodies.

After brunch, the kids were relatively quiet while we watch I,Tonya. Lol. I’ve really been wanting to rent it, so we finally did! And I prepped some food for dinner. Grace and Olivia and James and Karla came over for a minute, and the keiki went crazy as soon as they saw the car pull up! We’re going to miss them sooooooo much!!!!!! I hope they come to their senses and move to Oahu instead. 😜 haha. But I’m also happy for them, but sad for me, and even more sad for the kids!!!😭 

Then we had dinner and showers and bedtime! And Michael came down with a fever right before dinner, so we’ll see how he is in the morning. I can’t believe they start school tomorrow already. And I’m off to the mainland tomorrow afternoon. 😭