Happy FOURTH Birthday, Michael Agapito!

Yesterday Our little Mikey turned FOUR! 

He is the sweetest little guy and was soooo excited to bring cupcakes to his friends at school and have lunch with mom! After that we came home and played, had ‘make your own pizza night’ and had cake and presents and ice cream followed by kids movie night :)

20 Questions:
1. What is your favourite colour:
"Purple and Pink! Blue!"

2. What is your favourite toy?
"Dat driving truck that drives on Mamma's floor"
3. What is your favourite fruit?
4. What is your favourite TV show?
"PJ Masks!"
5. What is your favourite thing to eat for lunch?
"Jello with oranges in it"
6. What is your favourite outfit?
"PJ Masks"
7. What is your favourite game?
"PJ Masks"
8. What is your favourite snack?
9. What is your favourite animal?
10. What is your favourite song?
"I love you, so much" A song he made up that he sings all the time.
11. What is your favourite book?
"PJ Masks"
12. What is your favourite thing about at school?
"being good and behaving"
13. What is your favorite sport?
"T-Ball and Basketball"
14. What is your favourite thing to have for breakfast?
"Juice for a drink and pretzels"
15. What is your favourite thing to do outside?
"Sing on the swing"
16. What is your favourite drink?
"orange juice"
17. What is your favourite holiday?
"September, mamma"
18. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?
"My baby"
19. What is your favourite thing to have for dinner?
"Squash and meat" Lies- I just made it Monday and he gave it thumbs down and wouldn't touch it.
20. What do you want to be when you grow up?