Easy Make Ahead Horchata

This Cinco De Mayo we took it pretty easy. I’m feeling VERY pregnant, and we didn’t have enough limes on our tree, so (virgin) margaritas just weren’t in the cards. I still wanted to make a special drink so I ended up mix matching a bunch of different Pinterest horchata recipes together and the result was so good I decided to share!

This recipe you can make up to a day ahead and if you’re like us, all of these ingredients are already in your fridge.

1 cup rice (uncooked)
2/3 cups almonds
1 cinnamon stick

Put these in your blender- fill with water. Pulse a few times then blend until coarse- around 30 seconds.

Let sit! I did about an hour, maybe 2. But you can go up to overnight for better results. 

Strain water into a 1 gallon pitcher, using a mesh strainer.

1/2 cup sugar
1 cup milk

Fill pitcher to top with water.

Stir well then refrigerate.

That’s it! So easy! You can garnish with a sprinkle of cinnamon powder if you want. I did it for the picture, but honestly, I prefer it without. 

Also, I’m cheap, so I reused my rice grounds to make another batch. It was weaker, but still good. I probably wouldn’t recommend any more than 2 though.