Oh, Molokai

Just a random snippet of my day today to look back on someday when I’m old and this isn’t the norm anywhere, not even Molokai. 

I went to the post office after work to get the mail. Of course because we don’t have mail delivery to our house. We’re lucky we finally have a street address actually. We didn’t for the first 3 years of living here. I parked in a “long” line of three cars mostly on the wrong side of the street, and went to get the mail. The truck obviously hadn’t come for pick up yet because there was a box with a live prize rooster, crowing every two seconds as he waited to be shipped to his new off island home. 

That. All. Happened....Today...in the year 2018. 😂

I swear some times it seems like we live in 1918, and I’m not gonna lie, I kind of love it. 😂