A day without power

The other day our power went out around 10am.

As it ends up, what happened was a guy was hauling tin from his old roof to the landfill and a gust of wind caught it and blew it up out of hos truck and into the air cutting through a bunch of power lines, which then landed on dry grass (since its summer) and started two consecutive brush fires.

Our power was out until almost 8pm, and apparently the highway was closed between here and town until sometime after 5pm, my mom and dad were lucky, because they were in Misakis when the power went out, so they must have just made it back before they closed the road.

All in all, our day was not too bad since I was home on maternity leave, and because we’ve been here seven years now, we’ve made it through several hurricane/tropical storm/ earthquake/tsunami warnings and watches, this and due to our hobbies of being pretty DIY/ self sufficient, we’re generally always pretty well prepared.

It’s funny because my friend Kara once said if there was an apocalypse she’d head for my mom and dad’s house because they have everything a person could ever need neatly organized in their basement. I never thought that’d be me too. Lol. And I guess technically it’s not because we don’t have a basement. 

Anyway, I think it’s almost fun sometimes to live an old timey life. I hung the laundry on the clothesline, made dinner in cast iron pots on the grill, ate dinner by candlelight, and played board games and puzzles with the boys- no TV, no internet, no radio- nice and peaceful. However, we did have running water (just cold) and a generator in case we really needed anything.