I won an IG giveaway!

A few weeks ago, one of my friends nominated me for an IG giveaway by MYN Style Box, and I won!! 

Myaann from @mynimage is a stylist and so much more! She can help you curate what you already have or shop for new pieces. She also does personal branding!

So, what was in the box?!?!?

A card with a charity to encourage paying it forward...LOVE this idea!

A card explaining the services offered by @mynimage

A Gaiam water bottle- perfect for East end yoga, which I need to start attending once I hit the 6 week post-partum  mark.

A new age fanny pack 😂 actually a workout belt so you can take your phone/ keys/ whatever while you run or workout. I don’t know about you guys, but arm bands make me hot and I use my phone to count steps, so...

A wine set which I shared with my favorite wine afficiando! 

Some really pretty quartz earrings that I can’t wait to wear while someone is still too little to pull them out! 😜

And a cute tropical notepad...which Sophia has already claimed as her own! 😂

Such cute stuff!!!