
Lately I’ve been pretty LAZY. Lol. I guess you could say I’m enjoying being on leave? I haven’t really gotten any projects finished, partly because I needed to get some more supplies, and partly because Olivia wants to be held every second of everyday, which is ok because all too soon I have to go back to work and I won’t be able to cuddle her all day...but she’s also just kind of fussy.

I’ve also been missing Sophia, Michael and Ethan like CRAZY and I can’t wait for them to come home next week!!!

Other than that, I’ve been working on the garden. And a couple of my roses are blooming, but a couple are also almost dying, so...

Daniel and I have been able to go out and eat a lot! Mostly because we only have one kid, but also because I’m fat now and I don’t know how to cook for only two people. Lol.

Olivia and I try to go on a walk everyday. It helps keep us both from being crabby. Haha!

She likes to be, a lot.

We sometimes dress up in cute outfits!

Olivia sleeps like a baby cherub. I could seriously just stare at her all day long! So beautiful!

We attended mass in peace and quiet with no one climbing on us.

Again, eating out.

And snuggling :)

Lots of snuggling :) today it rained all day, so literally all I did was snuggle Olivia...(and go to church and cookhouse, but other than that, spend the day attached to this beautiful babe)

That’s all for now folks: Time for my favorite part of the day, laying in bed and watching TV at night...I kind of hate watching TV when it’s light outside, but as soon as it’s dark out- that’s a whole ‘nother story. Right now I’m binge watching Parks and Rec...for the 4th??? Time. 😂