Our Beautiful Backyard: July 2018

Planted this month:
Pumpkins- Sophia’s seeds from school in the back,
The seeds I bought next-Connecticut field
Mixed bag of seeds from lasts years rando “pumpkins”
2 rows of Indian corn

Attempted to propagate some strawberry runners. Mostly Ozark.

Marketmore 76 cucumbers
Katz stock- all sprouts got eaten by birds

Sweet peppers- golden baby belle seeds- which didn’t appear to germinate.
Garden peach tomato seeds- also didn’t seem to germ.

And now...a million photos:

In the front, I finally mulched the walkway, then the chickens dug it up. 😑

Our plumeria lost all its buds before it bloomed. 😑

Mac nut tree is getting bigger. Still seems root bound???

I’m growing some kiwi!!!!! From seeds out of one I got at the store.

The front hedges are ok again.

One agapanthus is blooming. That’s it. Just one.

These lilies are alive. But prolly not what I would call thriving.

My coffee plant is probably going to die.

This area is a mess. I always debate tearing it all out. Lol.

The lime.

The lemon.

The semi-abandoned cut flower garden.

We made a short term fix to the chicken gate.

The pool entry. I finally got the ladder blocking board painted.

We tried to transplant the avocado, and I’m pretty sure it died, but at least it’s no longer growing into our house. That blue bucket is another white plumeria to balance it out.

This is already overgrown again.

The garden is actually doing well. BUT I think we need more beds and dedicated beds for some stuff that never dies in Hawaii (peppers, sweet potatoes, strawberries, etc)

Right now we have Indian corn and pumpkins growing. Along with one watermelon plant, two green peppers, one stock, some chives, and 3 cucumbers.

The north one has a few carrots, sweet potatoes, 2 volunteer tomatoes, and one strawberry plant.

The strawberry bed. I’m doing some hippie cardboard mulch to be eco friendly. And I’m also starting a hunch of runners.

My orchids. I’ve been moving them all around to find the right balance of sun, shade, water, and deer resistance. Ugh. I forgot my vanilla orchid in the old spot, and it died. 😭😭😭 I also bought some bird baths, which my kids apparently think are trash cans. 😑

The mulch pile is getting smaller and smaller!!!

I fixed up the bananas!

This is kind of maybe growing back a little.

Power washing the house is on my “to do” list.

I’ve got some big plans for this area this winter.

And this area...

Red rose is doing great!

My pink rose is also wonderful!

Jilly Jewel is doing ok. It did have a few blooms which I cut, and they smell fab!!

My blush mini rose also had one bloom, but something ate part of the bud. 

The GD deer got my fence down and ate this lavender lassie again. 😭😭😭 but it will survive.

White mini rose the deer also ate... but it will also survive. It had a bunch of bids, but they are them all.

New dawn. May or may not live through its black spot.

My valentines rose from 2018 is a pretty dark dark magenta? The deer did not eat it and it has some buds.