Happy 2 months Baby Olivia!

Our sweet baby cupcake is officially 2 months old!

I feel like this is a very bittersweet milestone. Sweet because Olivia is happy and healthy and thriving. She’s such a social baby! She loves to smile at Mommy and Daddy and talks with sweet little baby coos. She sleeps well, she really seems to have a pretty mellow personality so far. 

And bitter because eight weeks means my maternity leave is more than over, so now I’m going to miss out on 8 hours of baby snuggles everyday. Bitter because my last baby has long outgrown her newborn clothes, she’s moved up to size one diapers, she’s at the point where she can hold up her head (but just barely) she’s moving her arms all around and gaining control of her muscles and reflexes- all good things, but all things that mean my LAST BABY is growing up- and growing up too fast! Cue mom tears. 

You are the cutest sweetest baby anyone could get hope for. You don’t even complain about mommy’s outfit changes, ridiculous hair bows and photo shoots. 😂

You are so incredibly loved by your siblings (almost TOO loved sometimes as we have to constantly remind them to give you some space! 😂)

You are strong and healthy. You already weigh 11+ pounds and are 21???inches long. You’re developing right in track and hitting all your baby milestones.

Your hair is coming in, it seems like it’s probably light brown, maybe darker than Michael, but definitely lighter than Sophia and Ethan. Your eyes are still blue. You look like mommy and daddy, but mostly you look like your siblings. You really seem have Michael’s grumpy eyebrows sometimes, but you also have Sophia’s big eyes and your nose is most similar to Ethan’s. No signs of any teeth yet. Your feet are big like Michael’s were. You’re still 100% on breastmilk. You’ve been incredibly healthy so far, and haven’t even caught so much as a cold yet.

You love to be carried around and go on walks. You love it when people smile at and talk to you, especially Mommy and Daddy. You actually love all the noise and craziness of your brothers and sisters being crowded around you all the time. You don’t mind the car, you really don’t mind anything—-except the bouncer I borrowed from Auntie Marie- you hated it and cried every time we put you in it, so I got you a new one like the old one that we got rid of after Ethan, and you seem to enjoy that much more. You’re just staring to like looking at different toys, and you love that cute baby that you see in the mirror! 😉😘

We love you so so so much and couldn’t imagine life without you! Happy 2 months sweetheart!