Tropical Storm Olivia is Three Months Old

I’ll take before and after for $200, Alex...

Today we weathered Tropocal storm Olivia (it really wasn’t bad) 

And our sweet little Olivia made three months! 

Olivia the storm looked a little like this:

And Olivia the baby looked a little like this:

Overall we had a pretty good day. Our power was out all day from 9am to somewhere around 3pm. However, we were up at 5am with Ethan, so I had plenty of time to finish all the laundry, make breakfast, and do dishes before it went out. We played games, read books and used the grill for the rest of the day. 

Lucky for us, the power was back on in time to make dinner and do showers and bedtime. Michael and Sophia fight like cats and dogs allllllll day long, yet like to sleep in the same bed rather than in their own beds.

And sweet sweet baby are three months old today! Time is flying so fast! You are trying to sit up on your own and your little an muscles are so strong! You hate tummy time, you complain when you aren’t being held. You’re starting to be teething. 😭 youre a wonderful easy baby with a happy easy going temperament...unless you’re hungry or wet. 😂 you’re still exclusively on breastmilk- no solids yet. You’re growing and gaining weight like crazy! You’re just about to move into your 6month clothes, and size 2 diapers, but you still wear newborn socks and shoes. You LOVE to smile and coo and ‘talk’ to everyone. You adore your brothers and sisters and all their shenanigans. You’re happy, healthy and super sweet. You are the most joyful addition that our little (or not so little anymore) family could ever hope for and we love you so so much! Happy Three months sweetheart!