Happy Five Months Baby Olivia!!


You are the cutest sweetest baby of all time. You love to smile and laugh and be held. Youʻre also at that stage where you like to scream your head off if no one is holding you. Lucky for you there’s always someone who wants to snuggle you! 

You tried a couple more bites of rice cereal this month, but we havenʻt really started solids yet. 

You babble alot! Youʻre getting really good at tummy time. You can roll over and you can stay sitting upright for a few seconds if we sit you on the floor and for a lot longer if youʻre sitting in our lap!

No teeth yet, your eyes are still blue, but they’re starting to turn greyish hazel. You wear size 6-9 months clothes already!!! And youʻre rapidly growing out of your size 2 diapers. Youʻre getting too long for your rock n play. I think you weigh about 14-15 lbs last time we checked, but I should probably weigh/Measure you again. 😂

You are such a little miracle and we love you so so so much! Happy five months sweet baby girl!