Our Beautiful Backyard: October 2018

Well, As you’ve noticed, I skipped the last few months of garden updates. 

Planted this month: nothing

Harvested this month:We harvested some Indian corn in time for Halloween; unfortunately, some of it got moldy and then when I put it outside a wild chicken ate it.

We got to eat a few sweet potatoes and several limes.

We tried for pumpkins, but they all died before harvest.

Strawberry guava are ripe.

Flowering this month: My roses are flowering- the two that the stupid deer haven’t repeatedly eaten down to nothing. The ginger and pittisporium are flowering.

The hedges are growing back. They’re looking pretty unruly though- so it might be time to buy a hedge trimmer...

The front of our house is ugly as always. Our hurricane boards are still up down here bc it’s so ugly anyway- why bother.

This corner is an absolute mess, Overrun with nasty centipede grass.

The lime is PRODUCING!!! Limeade fo dayzzz!

The lemon has its first batch of lemons!

The side of the house got some landscaping mat, one wheelbarrow of mulch and some bouys.

My cut flower garden is pretty dead, but the Kukui is finally thriving!

I tepourposed some of it for a pineapple bed!

1.5 of our raspberries are finally taking off!

Everything in here is pretty dead.

The side of the house

My garden is also currently pretty neglected.

The strawberry bed is doing well, but also over grown with weeds and crap. 

But look what’s happening over here finally!!!!

A koi pond is going in!!!

There’s a literal tree growing out of this thing and I don’t know how to stop it with out killing my croton that’s supposed to be in here.

The red rose is about 4 feet tall and doing great!!

My pink is also doing well this year, but needs a trellis.

I moved the orchids over here. Unfortunately, 2 dendrobiums that I’ve had for YEARS finally died. So sad!

The kids art projects are starting to take up residency over here :)

This is a little white or peach rose.

The GD deer ate my Lavender Lassie again. But I think after the 5th or 6th iteration I may have finally created a deer proof fence. 🤞

This one is white or peach.

This one is white. Maybe a white double???

Stupid deer also ate my kiwis down to nothing! And they were doing so good they were about 2 feet tall before the deer got them. 😭

My New Dawn is finally coming back from its black spot attack!

This is my dark Valentine’s Day 2018 (i think) one. Again- deer.

These are some things I got cutting from friends and neighbors. A mamaki and some of that other thing that’s name I always forget.

Bananas are a mess, but will eventually make a nice pond backdrop.

The back of the house- no better than before.

Laundry room/ office.

The back hedges are also growing back, but maybe not in the best way. 

And the chickens freebranging on the side by all Daniels crap.

That’s all folks! Have a happy weekend!