Christmas 2018

This year I had a really hard time getting into the Christmas spirit. 

Christmas Eve Daniel and I both had to work, and Christmas being on a hot Tuesday just didn’t feel much like a holiday. 

The kids were all excited because they’re on break and my Mom is here, but they’re also super wound up and CRAZY!

Sophia lost her first tooth on Christmas Eve!!! She FaceTimed me to tell me all about it!

There was a rainbow over my office!

We hung the stockings on the builtins for the first time this year.

And we also tried the tree out in the corner.

Unfortunately, I gave up and Ethan had to use Daniel’s childhood stocking year!!

Sophia wrote a letter to Santa. The big man helped himself to cookies and milk since bedtime was so hectic that the kids didn’t leave any out of him. 🤦‍♀️

I loved having the nativity with the lamps and trees on the buffet this year!

Christmas Eve! The keiki were nestled all snug in their beds:

Santa made an appearance!!!

Christmas morning, Sophia was actually the first one up! That never ever ever ever happens!

We went to church:

Then came home, opened presents, made cinnamon rolls, finished opening presents, the kids FaceTimed everyone then played outside. Then we had “make your own pizza” night, watched part of a move and went to bed! And today Sophia starts winter pals and Daniel and I are back at work.