9 Months with Sweet Baby Olivia

Happy 9 months Olivia!

You have 4 teeth now, you're in 9-12 month clothes, size 3 diapers.

You're a fast crawler, you pull up on EVERYTHING and like to cruise around holding onto the furniture.

You know your name. You LOVE peek-a-boo. You clap your hands whenever anyone says yay or claps their hands. You like music and 'dance' when you hear it. You developed serious stranger danger this month and will have a major meltdown if Dad or especially mom go out of your line of sight.

You love your toys and you chew on EVERYTHING, but those first 4 teeth are just coming out- more are on the way, but haven't broken through yet.

You hate baby food, but you love to eat. You usually just have what everyone else is having +puffs, baby Cheetos, yogurt drops, etc. You like to feed yourself and pick up lots of little bits of things.

You are one cute but opinionated baby, and we all love you more than anything!

Happy 9 months Olivia!