Happy Eight Months Olivia!!!

Late post that I never published on Feb 12th, but...

Our sweet (but fussy) little girl is 8 months old!!! She almost has teeth! The bottom two front ones are starting to cut through and the top incisors are about to make their way out soon!

Olivia is mobile! She started crawling this month and is pulling up to standing. She definitely prefers standing to crawling.

Little Olive is becoming quite opinionated, just like Sophia was at this age. She's on nursing strike, and might be giving it up all together soon. She doesn't like baby food, only real people food, she'll swat things away (bottles, packs, toys, etc) any thing she doesn't think she wants by her face. she cries if I put her down, cries if I leave the room...she knows what she wants and she ONLY wants what she wants. LOL.

Ethan picks up phrases from all of us and obviously from Aunty Schonnelle's house too because he's always calling her different pet names and having something to say about her. He can regularly be heard chattering around with "she's a cutie patootie" and "Olivia is a sweet baby"

We love our sweet little honey bunny and couldn't imagine life without her!