
This week-ugh.

The kids are rotating through this awful 104F fever this week, Sophia had it first, then Michael, now Olivia....and as of 6am, it looks like Michael has it again.  As terrible as it’s been for them, it’s been equally exhausting for us to nurse them all back to health.

Monday we had to make a surprise (forgotten) trip to Oahu for doctors appointments. 

Tuesday I went to work and actually got a lot done.

Today it looks like I’ll be staying home with a feverish baby who screams if I’m not holding her. I’ve been holding her since 2am....

We’re also getting our “dumper cats” spayed/neutered today. Last week Monday I set a trap and caught two kittens out of our dumpster at work. They’re ferrel. Lol. So all week I’ve been trying to tame them. They’re getting better. One is black and super mean and hisses at me all the time. The other one is grey and more mellow. I touched they grey one today while he/she was eating. I can’t get them to let me pet/pick them up yet, but they also no longer run away when I feed them, so we’re making progress! The vet trip is also exciting because we’ll get to find out if they’re boys or girls!

 In the meantime Ethan’s still in love with his “sweet baby” Bootsie Calico. Although, I’m less than happy with her right now because I finally got the built-in doors painted and she got cat prints in the wet paint. 😑

Tomorrow Michael has a filed trip which I signed up to chaperone, but that all depends on how he and  Olivia are doing. 

Friday I’m supposed to go back to Oahu for a swearing in ceremony at the capital because I applied to serve on the Molokai Irrigation Systems Advisory Board. 

Then Saturday we fly out to Kauai for vacation. 

I’m exhausted. I was doing so good with diet and exercise, but this week that’s all fallen apart. 

I’m also trying to pack and clean the house and get the garden going. I also recently painted Olivia’s crib and we set that up so she can sleep in it. It’s not going that well. She just pulls up and tries to (unsuccessfully) climb out at all hours of the night, and she’s developed a penchant for throwing stuff out of the bars, then being upset because she can’t get out to get it back. 

We finally got our electrical done (that only took 2 years) and it’s getting inspected on Thursday! Art has our drawings done, We’re finally getting a permit application submitted to redo our bathrooms and kitchen. So that’s exciting, but expensive, and this part won’t include fixing our ugly rev room or not sure if we’ll do that later under a separate permit, or pay Art to add it all to the drawings now.

Sophia’s playing basketball, so we’re fitting in a schedule of practices, games, and snacks. Today I was all set up to write a post about what I love about Molokai and how grateful I am to raise our kids here....but then while we were watching Sophia’s basketball practice a kid at the playground was being a real douche to Michael and Ethan, so I’m rethinking my rosy outlook on that one.

I restarted my masters, and I’m excited about it again, but have not been able to make any progress like I’m wanting bc of all this other crap going on. I keep waiting for life to settle down, but I’m pretty sure this is just our new norm.