Jills random ramblings

One time, in high school I guess? I wrote a paper titled the meanderings of my mind. Or something close to that. For some reason, I remember some issue with it, but I don’t remember what- but I do remember not caring at all what some other person or institution’s definition of a flaw was. And I stand by that today, 15+ (HOLY SHIT! 15+?!?!?) years later.

I’ve been thinking a lot lately about who I am. I don’t know. Try as I might, even Soja can’t tell me. I know who I was. I know all the people I wanted to be. I have a vague shadowy outline of who I still probably maybe want to be. But how do I get there, and more importantly, where am I even starting?

And that’s my James Joyce soliloquy for today. 🤷‍♀️