Holiday Home Tour 2019: Outdoor

Please enjoy these terrible iphone7 pictures of our crazy outdoor lights. 

1% of me wants to have a stately white house with hand tied greenery and white lights...The other 99% of me loves this crazy colorful circus mishmash that gets bigger and bigger every year. 

This year we added to the outdoor lights. Our trees are bigger, so we got a few different lights in order to reach them all the way up. We also added one of those revolving projector things that I carried all the way home from Maui Home Depot. 

The kids love playing in our winter wonderland, especially as it gets dark.

I also got some solar lights for the guava trees, the coconut trees, jackfruit and kukui...unfortunately, several of them already quit working...

I added a new string to go around the edge of the yard and the trampoline. I also added twinkle lights to the areca palms.

I put the extra old school lights around the end of the lanai, and we somehow lost the third snowflake...

Blurry solar lights... The purple ones on the jackfruit are disco style!