Freaking Mango Allergies

 Well, well, well. 

Mangoes, once one of my least favorite foods, have over the last decade become one of my most favorite foods. Our area is too cold for most varieties, so 2 weekends ago when we saw one of our favorite spots had some ripe ones, we went on a weekend adventure to pick mangos. All was well. The kids had fun, it was nice to get out of the house after a rainy week, we got a bucket full of mangoes, or enough for at least 4 batches of smoothies.

And then a few days later I got a few blisters on my arm. Which wasn't super surprising since I had gotten blisters from mango before. And there were a lot of mosquitos, so I figured in spite of washing off, I had probably accidentally scratched a mosquito bite while picking or peeling and freezing the mangoes. And then as the week went on, my blisters they got big...and bad...and itchy...

And in contrast to my normal tough it out attitude, It was Easter weekend, I was feeling lazy and itchy and decided to call in the real doctor and get some meds. 

Well...that did not go as planned. I got a prescription, started taking it, scratched to no avail (because I was on the medicine! And I was also horrifyingly itchy!) Fast forward to Monday, I forgot to take my medicine, went to work, broke out in horrible hives, went to the ER, the doctor told me to stop taking the prednisone because I was probably allergic and just take Benedryl. So I did, which caused my face to swell up like a BAD plastic surgery cat lady face. Thank god I could breathe, because it took 4 days for  the swelling to go down. During which time, I went to see my normal doctor, who (along with my mom) advised me to get my shit together and start treating it topically instead of scratching and relying on western medicine. My doctor said it probably wasn't an allergic reaction, but a reaction to the abrupt stop of the previous steroid. BUT I'm still too reactive to do an allergy panel, so we have to wait for everything to calm down first.

And here we are today. Praying my airway stays clear and my skin doesn't scar from the head to toe blistering and this resolves I can get back to having mango smoothies. LOL.

A few pictures that don't even do it justice because at the worst of it I was too upset to even do anything, let alone take a picture.